West Virginia Consultants/Specialists
Compact Administrators
Compact AdministratorJeff Pack, Commissioner
Bureau for Social Services
350 Capitol Street
Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 352-4493
(304)558-4194 FAX
Deputy Compact AdministratorNicole Chapman
Bureau for Social Services
350 Capitol Street, Room B-18
Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 352-4500
(304) 558-4563 FAX
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
ICPC Specialist (Caseload A-L (Under the oldest child’s last name)) |
Administrative Assistant |
ICPC Specialist (Caseload M-Z (Under the oldest child’s last name))Casey Perdue
ICPC Specialist
Bureau for Social Services
350 Capitol Street, Room B-18
Charleston, WV 25301
(304) 352-4507
(304) 558-4563 FAX
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Administrative Assistant |
ICPC Specialist |
Mailing Address
Regular Mailing Address350 Capitol St. Room B-18
Charleston, WV 25301
Federal Express Address350 Capitol St. Room B-18
Charleston, WV 25301
Useful Telephone Numbers
Child Abuse Hotline |
Juvenile Compact Office (ICJ) |
Mental Health Compact Office |
Adoption and Medical Assistance Compact Office (ICAMA) |
Useful Websites
Statutory Codes
State ICPC Code:
Age of Majority and Code:
- No information provided
- No information provided
Statutory Penalties Under ICPC:
Co-Located Compacts - ICPC, ICAMA, ICJ
ICPC and ICJ are co-located in the same unit: (If "No" - Agency under which each compact is administered.)
No - No information provided
If ICPC and ICJ both apply to a case, West Virginia will coordinate services: (If "No" - Which Compact Supersedes)
No - No information provided
ICPC and ICAMA are co-located in the same unit: (If "No" - Agency/Department under which each compact is administered.)
No - No information provided