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The Association of Administrators of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (AAICPC) was established in 1974 and consists of members from all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The AAICPC has authority under ICPC to "promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more effectively the terms and provisions of this compact." The AAICPC obtains its Secretariat Services, as an affiliate of the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA).
For more information, please visit the AAICPC website.
American Public Human Services Association
1133 Nineteenth Street, NW
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 682-0100
fax: (202) 289-6555
Web Manager: Carla Fults [cfults@aphsa.org]
Home Studies which Require Criminal / Perpetrator Record Checks
Nebraska requires criminal background checks for the following home studies:
Nebraska conducts home studies on behalf of a Specific Child or Person Known to the Child who is not a relative. A Parent or members of his/her household are not required to submit to National Criminal History Checks (Finger Printing/FBI).
Criminal Background Screening
The following methods are used to capture fingerprints to conduct criminal records checks:
Criminal background checks/screening via Live Scan or other computerized technology are offered at the following levels:
State or Local Criminal Record Checks Requirements/Process:
The Nebraska State Patrol processes the National and State level checks. The results are sent to Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). DHHS categorizes crimes and distributes the categorization results appropriately. Categorization of crimes is as follows:
CATEGORY A: Currently charged, indicted or convicted of one or more of the following crimes:
(1) Aggravated or armed robbery;
(2) Arson;
(3) Assault, first or second degree;
(4) Child abandonment;
(5) Child abuse;
(6) Child molestation or debauching a minor;
(7) Child neglect;
(8) Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor;
(9) Criminal non-support;
(10) Domestic violence;
(11) Exploitation of a minor involving drug offenses;
(12) Felony controlled substances offenses;
(13) Felony violation of custody;
(14) Incest;
(15) Kidnapping;
(16) Murder, first or second degree;
(17) Robbery;
(18) Sexual abuse of a minor;
(19) Sexual assault;
(20) Sexual exploitation of a minor, including child pornography; or
(21) Voluntary manslaughter.
CATEGORY B: Convicted in the last five years of one or more of the following crimes:
(1) Burglary;
(2) Driving under the influence;
(3) Misdemeanor controlled substances offenses; or
(4) Misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a child.
CATEGORY C: Criminal History that is not included in either Category A or B.
Applicant will not be approved if the person has committed any of the following misdemeanor or felony offenses:
An applicant will not be LICENSED as a Foster Parent if he/she has committed the following pursuant to Nebraska Adminstrative Code. Nebraska may choose to APPROVE the home of a Relative or Person Known to the child through an administrative approval process.
6-003.25B1 Local, State, and National Criminal History: Each household member
age 18 or older is subject to criminal history checks and shall file a complete set of
his/her legible fingerprints and biographical information with the Nebraska State
Patrol. The Department is responsible for fingerprinting and processing fees for the
National Criminal History Check.
a. The Department shall deny licensure to any applicant currently charged,
indicted, or convicted for any of the following crimes:
(1) Aggravated or armed robbery;
(2) Arson;
(3) Assault, first or second degree;
(4) Child abandonment;
(5) Child abuse;
(6) Child molestation or debauching a minor;
(7) Child neglect;
(8) Commercial sexual exploitation of a minor;
(9) Criminal non-support;
(10) Domestic violence;
(11) Exploitation of a minor involving drug offenses;
(12) Felony controlled substances offenses;
(13) Felony violation of custody;
(14) Incest;
(15) Kidnapping;
(16) Murder, first or second degree;
(17) Robbery;
(18) Sexual abuse of a minor;
(19) Sexual assault;
(20) Sexual exploitation of a minor, including child pornography; or
(21) Voluntary manslaughter.
b. The Department shall deny licensure to any applicant convicted in the last
five years of any of the following crimes:
(1) Burglary;
(2) Driving under the influence;
(3) Misdemeanor controlled substances offenses; or
(4) Misdemeanor contributing to the delinquency of a child.
Types of Checks (Crim. & Abuse Neglect Registry)
Nebraska requires the following types of criminal background and perpetrator checks (Federal (F), State (S), Local (L), Abuse and Neglect Registry (ANR), Not Required (NR)):
Federal State Local ANR NR Foster Care y y y y Relative y y y y Relative Foster Care y y y y Adoption y y y y Foster-Adopt y y y y Parent y y y
Nebraska provides Abuse and Neglect searches:
Wait Time for Criminal Records Results
Wait time for fingerprint results are:
Live Scan or other technology
- State: 31-60 days
- Local/County: Not Offered
Manually - Fingerprint Card
- State: 31-60 days
- Local/County: Not Offered
Verification of Criminal Records Results
Period of Time the Checks are Valid
Checks valid for 24 months
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