New Jersey Foster Care
Rates (Foster Care)
Foster care rate paid at:
New Jersey foster care rates:
Service Level of Care |
Amount per day |
basic |
moderate |
specialized |
yes |
intense |
Requirements (Foster Care)
Foster Care Resource Requirements:
Training (Education and Training):
- Pre-Service training is conducted by trainers in the Resource Family Support Unit (RFSU) of each Local Office. Successful completion of one or more of the following training programs is required prior to issuance of a license by the Office of Licensing:
A. Parent Resources for Information, Development, and Education (PRIDE) - the standardized, pre-service training program required for each primary and each secondary resource parent applicant. The goal of the PRIDE training is to strengthen the quality of resource family care.
B. Traditions of Caring - the standardized, pre-service training geared specifically for relatives, or those who have a kinship connection with the child. Relatives and family friends applying for resource family care are required to take the Traditions of Caring training, in lieu of PRIDE training.
C. Specialized training is provided for resources parents interested in caring for families interested in caring for children with medical needs.
Requirements (Licensing)
Licensing Requirements:
Chapter 51 Manual of Requirements for Resource Family Parents (N.J.S.A 3A:51-1.1)
Applicant must be at least 18, resident of NJ, agree to home study, inspection of home by the Office of Licensing, interviews with each family member, complete pre-service training as specified in N.J.S.A. 3A;51-1.1, consent for release on information, medical, personaL, employment, school/day day care, references, CARI, Federal and State checks, Resource Family Care Agreement, agreement not to use unacceptable methods of discipline, statement of financila resources, life/safety inspection, check of DCF's recordes and court records of incidenst of abuse, or neglect. Reltive, foster, adoption, placement facilities, and child-caring facilities must be licensed by the New Jersey Department of Children and Families.
Foster Care Placements:
New Jersey requires the following types of placement resources to be licensed/approved/certified:
Foster Care
Relative-Foster Care
New Jersey uses the following terms to authorize a resource family for foster care and (or) adoption after completion of education and training in state:
Approve (Adoption)
Verified (Foster Home)
- Certified
New Jersey resource training program is as follows:
- PRIDE (Parents Resource Information Development Education)
New Jersey accepts the following training programs as comparable to its education and training program licensing:
- Other: Varies with each Region in New Jersey; and the Training must meet New Jersey curriculum.
Wait Time - (License/Certification/Approval - Education and Training)
Average Length of time it takes for a home to be licensed/approved/certified:
Length of time a license is valid before renewal required:
New Jersey offers classes (education and training) to become licensed/certified/approved:
- Other: Public agency classes are scheduled by county. Typically a minimum of one class per month will be scheduled. Private agencies schedule training as needed.
Wait Time for Criminal Records Results
Wait time for fingerprint results are:
Live Scan or other technology
- State: 31-60 days
- Local/County: 4-7 days
Manually - Fingerprint Card
- State: Not Offered
- Local/County: Not Offered